Financial document is due March 11th.

Buffett Scholar FAQs

1. What costs are covered with my Susan T. Buffett Scholarship?

The table below shows the maximum term (semester or quarter) award of The Susan T. Buffett Scholarship at each public college in Nebraska for the 2024-2025 academic year based on tuition and fee amounts at each college. Here is some additional information:

Maximum Award Terms

2. How do I receive my scholarship funds?

Once you officially accept the scholarship, the Foundation informs the Financial Aid Office at your college. The scholarship will be disbursed by the Financial Aid Office at the beginning of each term (semester or quarter). If you have questions about how the scholarship will be applied to your account, you will need to contact your college's Financial Aid Office.

3. When does my scholarship start? How do I renew the scholarship each year?

Your scholarship begins the fall term of your award year. The scholarship will automatically renew each term for up to five years at a four-year college, or three years at a two-year college, as long as you continue to meet the scholarship requirements (see 4. below) or until you graduate, whichever comes first.

4. What is required to maintain my scholarship? How long will I receive scholarship funding?

To maintain your scholarship, you must:

You are eligible to remain on scholarship for up to five years at a four-year college, or three years at a two-year college, OR until you graduate, whichever comes first.

5. What if I add classes after my scholarship has been paid?

The costs of these classes are your responsibility. If classes are added between the early registration period and the first week of classes for fall or spring, or the first day of summer session, scholarship funds will pay the additional tuition/fees up to the maximum scholarship amount.

6. What happens if I drop classes, or I cannot enroll in 9 credit hours?

You must maintain at least 9 credits per term, earn at least one credit hour each term, and you must earn at least 18 credit hours or 27 quarter hours in each academic year. If you are unable to enroll in 9 credit hours for the term OR you need to drop classes after the Drop/Add deadline, please complete this form: If you earn 0 credit hours at the end of the term, it may result in a scholarship priority. You will receive an email communication if you did not meet the scholarship requirements for that term, and we may ask you for more information. Multiple terms with a scholarship priority may result in losing the scholarship.

7. What happens if I do not earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA at the end of the term?

It is a requirement to earn at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each term. If you do not earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA, it may result in a scholarship priority. You will receive an email communication if you did not meet the scholarship requirements for that term, and we may ask you for more information. Multiple terms with a scholarship priority may result in losing the scholarship.

8. Does my scholarship cover summer courses?

Yes. The summer term is funded the same as the fall or spring terms, and students are funded based on the number of credits enrolled (see award chart). NOTE: If you receive federal financial aid during the summer, it is your responsibility to contact the financial aid office regarding requirements and funds disbursement.

If you take summer classes, you cannot receive more than full time funding for the entire summer whether your college has 1 session or multiple sessions. For example, if you took 9 hours in 1 session, that equals 3/4 time funding, so you would only be eligible to receive 1/4 time additional funding for another session. Another example is if you took 6 credits in the first session for 1/2 time funding and 6 credits in the second session for 1/2 time funding, then you would not be eligible for any additional funding if you wanted to take classes in a third session. If you have additional questions, please email

9. If I take summer courses, does it count as a term?

The Foundation gives the summer term the same weight as any other term. If you take summer courses, you are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and earn at least 1 credit hour. You are not required to take summer courses, and there is no minimum credit hour requirement. The only time you will be expected to take summer courses is if you did not meet the 18 credit hour or 27 quarter hour requirement during the academic year.

10. Can I use my scholarship to Study Abroad or participate in an Exchange Program?

Yes. You need to complete and submit the Study Abroad/Exchange Program Request form available on the Request Forms page of our website. You are eligible to receive scholarship funds for Study Abroad or Exchange programs provided:

You must successfully complete two terms with at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA at your primary college in order to study abroad or participate in an exchange program. If you are making a request and have only completed one term, you will be required to submit additional information and your request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If you started your Study Abroad/Exchange term before the previous term's grades were reported, and you earned a cumulative GPA less than 2.0, the Foundation is not responsible for funding the Study Abroad/Exchange term.

11. May I use my scholarship for CNA class(es)?

Yes. The scholarship can be used for any undergraduate CNA class(es). Please email us to let us know so that we can notify the financial aid office:

12. What should I do if I cannot enroll in college for a current or future term?

If you are unable to enroll in college for a term, you can request your scholarship be placed on hold. You must complete an "On Hold Request" form located on the scholarship website Explain the reason for your request and provide any relevant documentation. The Foundation will review your request and send you an email with the decision. These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.

13. What happens if I applied to a program or I'm on a waitlist and I cannot be enrolled next semester/quarter?

Please contact the Foundation at about your situation.

14. What if I reach maximum years on scholarship at a community college but still wish to attend a 4-year college?

Please contact the Foundation at or about your situation.

15. I attend UNK, UNL, or UNO. What is the William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community (TSLC) and how can I find out more information?

The Thompson Scholars Learning Community (TSLC) is a program that all Susan T. Buffett Scholars attending UNK, UNL, and UNO are required to participate in. TSLC is specifically designed to provide a supportive environment that encourages students to succeed during their college experience. If a student does not participate or comply with all TSLC requirements his/her scholarship will be terminated.

Call or click on the links below to find out more campus-specific information and requirements about the TSLC:

At UNK, contact 308-865-8364, or visit
At UNL, contact 402-472-1989, or visit
At UNO, contact 402-554-4080, or visit

16. May I transfer my scholarship to another Nebraska public college?

Yes. You may transfer your scholarship to any Nebraska public college as long as you are still an undergraduate student, meet the scholarship requirements, have been admitted to the college you are transferring to, have a $0 or minimal balance at the college you are leaving, and complete a Transfer Request form. The Transfer Request form can be found on the Request Forms page of our website. Your transfer request must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the term, and be approved by the Foundation. The list of colleges that you can transfer your scholarship to are as follows:

Nebraska Community Colleges

Nebraska State College System

University of Nebraska System

The scholarship may only be transferred to the above Nebraska public colleges. The scholarship cannot be used at private or out-of-state colleges.

17. Can I transfer my Buffett Scholarship to the University of Nebraska Medical Center?

Yes. Your scholarship will transfer to UNMC only for specific programs as long as you pursue an undergraduate bachelor's degree at UNMC (i.e., Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Radiography), and complete the Transfer Request form here: Request Forms. You cannot use the scholarship for any UNMC programs that are considered graduate or professional.

18. Can I use my scholarship at another Nebraska college even if I am a student at a different campus?

Yes. You are eligible to submit a request to receive scholarship funds at a secondary college unless you are enrolled full time at your primary college. A request for funding at a secondary college is due two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester/quarter. The Funds for a Secondary College Request form can be found on the Request Forms page of our website.

19. May I use my scholarship for graduate classes?

No. The scholarship is for undergraduate classes only.

20. If I had the Buffett Scholarship or College Opportunity Scholarship at one time but never finished my degree, can I get the scholarship back?

We welcome you to reach out to us at to discuss the possibility of your scholarship being reinstated.

21. Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

If you attend a state or community college, please email Please include your name, college, and that you have the Buffett Scholarship.

If you attend NCTA, UNK, UNL, UNMC, or UNO please email Please include your name, NU ID, campus, and that you have the Buffett Scholarship.

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